Sunday, 10 October 2010

It just gets better

Although the weather was poor yesterday Hubby and I headed to Cresswell pond, poor visibility made taking photos a challenge. The birds were off in the distance when we first arrived but Moorhen and Mallard came close. Lapwing were in abundance on the far bank and a lone Shelduck was spotted amongst them. Canada Geese were still around but not in the numbers seen last time. Amongst the Teal and Widgeon a different duck was spotted and another tick for me I am happy to say, between my bird book, hubby and I we ID'd this fantastic Pintail which was true delight, 3 ticks in 2 visits to Cresswell you can't get better than that.

Or can it?
After about 1/2 an hour of having the hide to ourselves we were joined by a couple who looked like serious birders, had all the gear and pointed out a Scaup. There were 4 on the pond but I had them down as being Tufted Ducks, Mike got a picture or two and when I downloaded them I realised they weren't Tufties after all. Another tick but not my own ID. Still cool though.

A Little Grebe emerged out of the rushes in front of the hide along with a couple of Moorhen.

There was plenty of bird song in the trees and rushes in front and at the side of the hide, Birds flitting here and there but not resting long enough for a photo. This little Wren sat long enough which was great. Wrens are one of my favourite birds and I just love to see them foraging about.

A Female Reed Bunting made an appearance, I wasn't sure at first what it was but after consulting my book when I got home I believe it to be a female. I have seen many male Reed Buntings at Cresswell but this is a first for the female.

Heading back to the car we spotted something a bit different on the farm house roof, unsure of what it was we took a snapshot and headed home chilled to the bone. I must remember to put a warmer coat on next time, The damp and drizzle doesn't suit me at all. The little bird I think is a Pied Wagtail, which was a real delight and rounded of a fab morning. The drizzle and mist made for poor photos but you can't have perfect conditions all of the time.

Other birds spotted today were a Heron, Meadow Pipit, Blue Tit, Magpie, Robin and Black Bird. A cracking list I think you will agree.

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