Saturday 16 May 2009

'They're Back'

Driving into my street today and I spotted 2 pairs of House Martins, these wonderful birds are BACK. I sat most of last summer watching them and their young from my living room whilst eating breakfast, looks like I will be doing the same again.
I must try and not shout and point across the windscreen when I spot a bird, especially when Mike is driving because he said 'Bloody hell woman, you nearly gave me a heart attack'
Going out for a drive later after we drop lesser spotted teenager at her friends so I will probably have more to report later.


  1. I wouldn't worry about the shouting, it's when you force him to stop, get out and run back 100yards and spend the next ten minutes investigating the nearby hedge that it becomes certifiable.

  2. I think you are right, I must say us birders are a strange bunch and a bit eccentric hehe
